Since 2017


If you realize why Iquique is better than any other flying spot in the world, you will understand why we are crossing the world to go therE and why we created Glide Paragliding camp.
Those who know about Iquique explain here the potential of this place.  

testimony and reviews from pilots and students who share their tought about the magic

Bicho Carerra - Paragliding World Champion 2021

In this interview, the famous pilot Bicho Carrera is sharing he’s felings about the magic flying spot. Bicho is the actual best acrobatique pilot in the world, he was World Champion in 2021 and he won the general World Cup 2022.

Kate Wawatai - Custom camp 2018

« I took the course with no experience; my priority was to learn in a safe environment with no pressure to perform. After one day with Francois, I realised that safety was his priority and all he wanted was to share a beautiful sport in the safest way. His understanding of the technical sport of paragliding joined with a real passion to share the sky made my experience safe, enjoyable and gave me the confidence to push my abilities beyond what I expected. Pure beautiful fun! Highly recommend! »

Kate Wawatai

Gabi Fonck - Paragliding World Champion 2021

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Sebastien Brugalla- Paragliding Instructor

« Iquique is one of the places where I feel really good! Changing my routine, fly every day on an exceptional spot, ideal to progress and have fun, make beautiful encounters and share goods times!

It’s a MUST spot in a paragliding pilot life »

Thomas Grillere

« The best place to learn paragliding! Perfect wind all day long to play with your wing on the ground and to improve your technic! After that you can fly with confidence all over each spot! »

Christina Kolb - World Champion 2016

“Iquique is the biggest sandbox for paragliding pilots in the world. Whether you are looking to fly in thermals and dynamic conditions, improve your gound-handling, train acrobatic tricks, go for long or short XC flights or simply to get in your first hours of airtime – in Iquique you’re in for a treat!”

Alex Aimard – Paragliding Instructor / Pro Pilot

“The only negative feeling I have about Iquique is that I wish I went to this place earlier in my progression.

Flying over there helped me fine-tune my piloting in a way that is not possible anywhere else. Since then I recommend anyone who wishes to improve their flying skill to go there regardless if they are a total beginner or a really advanced pilot.

François is my number one choice instructor for my friends and I believe his experience combine to this spot is the best way possible to start in the sport”

Student takeoff Iquique sand dune Glide Paragliding
Mathieu Le-berre / Beginner Camp 2017

« I was lucky to be one of François and Lorraine’s guinea pig back in 2018 for one of their first trips to Iquique. I am still unsure about what happened back there, they probably did some voodoo shit on me, but all I know is my paragliding skills improved magically as a result. More importantly, I met  some of my best friends to date during the trip, and I am still laughing thinking about all the fun we had since.

Thank you so much guys, we love you. »

Elisa Alexandra - beginner camp 2017

« I really don’t think words can describe this camp. It felt like a two year paragliding course brewed in a 2 week surreal adventure. The impressive location definitely had a huge part in this, but after these past years of seing and listening to different progression stories, I finally understand the real value of how I got introduced in this sport. There’s nothing like it.

Thank you François ! »

Grigori Genin - begginer camp 2019

« Late fall 2019 I was lucky to join an event organized by Francios and Loraine – two weeks long paragliding course in Chile for skydivers without paragliding experience.

That was a great opportunity to live my dream – to fly!

Iquique – a city in the north Chile is a perfect place for paragliders with constantly good weather and predictable winds

Great instructors with well proved skills, fantastic attitude and ability to adjust the training for each student depending on the skills level, made the course very informative and educational.

The course is a well-balanced combination of theory pass covering equipment and maintenance of it, weather and security, practical ground training and of course – flying every morning and afternoon.

Accommodation opportunities are many – either a simple accommodation in the paragliding village which I believe the preferable option as everything is organized there for the course, or a choice of hotels in the city.

Nice weather, great food, interesting people, flights every day, and on top of it – an amazing trip to Pisagua with beautiful nature, pictorial village,

a night on the beach of the ocean in a company of same minded people made the course unforgettable.

I would strongly recommend to take the opportunity if you get a chance. I will do it again. »

Laurence Fugen - beginner camp 2018

« Une expérience magnifique d’avoir fait ce stage »

Eric Varlet - paragliding Instructor

« Palo-Buque is the best spot in the world to play with a canopy.

In 3 weeks, you can progress like 2 years in the alps, no rain you fly every day.

The atmosphere and the people are amazing.

I really want to go every years. »


Ludo - Pro snwoboarder fun flyer

« Palo-Buque is the best spot in the world to play with a canopy.

In 3 weeks, you can progress like 2 years in the alps, no rain you fly every day.

The atmosphere and the people are amazing.

I really want to go every years. »


Amalie & Ali Reader - Beginner Camp 2021


Horacio Llorens - The most awarded pilot of the history 10 time world cup winner

“Iquique is like a Theme Park for paragliders, where you can play hours and hours close to the sand dunes of Palo-Buque getting a level up in your handling controls.”

Gaby, Christina & Juliette feelings

Gabi:  “It’s easy, you can go from no experience to very big things. I’ve coached my best friend there”

Juliette:   « Frankly it’s the best at any level you have a lot to learn. Takeoffs, landings, and becoming comfortable with your paraglider in all circumstances. »

Christina: « In Iquique you’re in for a treat!”

Fabian Bulh - Pro Paragliding Pilot
Maxime Casamayou - pro pilot

It’s great in any case, it allows you to progress whatever your level. I don’t know of a comparable place.

Juliette Liso-Y-Claret nous parle en Français

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Jean-François Huck - Beginner Camp 2018

« Venant du milieu du parachutisme et de base jump, je pensais que le parapente serait facile. François m’a aidé à comprendre un autre aspect du ciel. François m’a appris de comprendre et utiliser l’aérologie et les reliefs d’une manière que je ne connaissais pas auparavant. Un vrai privilège d’apprendre d’un instructeur aussi professionnel et passionné, ses enseignements m’ont aidé à devenir un pilote sûr et confiant. Sa gentillesse et son énergie ont fait de cette expérience un souvenir incroyable, autant sur le plan humain que technique. Je recommande vivement son cours à tout le monde, en particulier aux pilotes expérimentés qui pensent tout savoir »

Jean-François Huck

Nicolas Viet Ground handling Glide Paragliding miniwing
Nicolas Viet - Beginner Camp 2019

« The camp in Chile with you is the best thing I have done in recent years!! THANKS!! I seriously love paragliding!! »

Glide Paragliding Ground Handling sand chile
Aurelien Marquet - French testimony - Beginner Camp 2017

« Nous sommes allé en couple et avec un groupe d’amis apprendre le parapente avec François à Iquique en Novembre 2017. C’était notre premier voyage au Chili. Au delà de la découverte de ces magnifiques paysages associant désert, reliefs montagneux et océan Pacifique, nous avons profité d’une région idyllique pour l’apprentissage du parapente. Les solutions d’hébergement de groupe permettent le confort individuel ainsi que les avantages de partager l’expérience avec une communauté internationale de parapentiste débutants et confirmés, ainsi que d’être au centre de plusieurs spots de vol facilement accessibles : décos en altitude, immenses dunes de sables et vol dynamique en front de mer. Un grand merci à François qui nous a proposé une formation théorique et pratique sur 2 semaines qui nous a permis de valider des bases solides sur tous les aspects fondamentaux du vol en parapente. Après ces 5 dernières années de pratique, je ne perds jamais une occasion de recommander aux personnes souhaitant être introduite au vol libre de se donner la possibilité de bénéficier d’un accompagnement comme le sien, car, orienté sur la maîtrise du gonflage au sol, le cumul de premier vol en air froid pour une introduction en douceur dans une masse d’air plus active. Ce sont pour moi des conditions qui offrent un apprentissage unique pour prendre confiance et construire une expérience de vol par le plaisir.  Aurel »


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